Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The versatility of Limau Kasturi..

          I have a new obsession these few days. Eating 'limau kasturi' with salt. My aunt is worried about my new obsession because I am acting like a pregnant lady. In my culture, usually pregnant ladies have weird craving especially for sour food. Limau kasturi is totally sour and basically, it is used for cooking NOT snacking. Hahaha. Still, I found pleasure in eating it.

          I found out other ways how to snack on the limau kasturi too. Mak Cu said when she was much younger, she usually ate 'limau kasturi with asam boi'. I tried and I love it. The saltiness of the asam boi blends well with the 'sourness of the limau kasturi'. Yumms!

          I guess I develop this weird wantings because I don't know what to do during the leisure hour. I think I get a sudden crave for pineapple. Aaaa. Pineapple with a pinch of salt over it is awesome because it has its own sweetness and a bit of sourness along the saltiness of the salt. I guess it is my day today because there is a night market here in my neighbourhood. Well, they sell fruits and of course, pineapple. :)

          This craving is caused by the hot weather in Malaysia. After the cold wind from China passed through Malaysia, there is no more cool wind during the day especially in cities.

I love food. :)  

Monday, February 10, 2014


          My mother told me just now that so it is true that when a child is young, she is a mother's daughter but she has grown up, she is the father's daughter. Hello and assalamualaikum everyone. I am Adelin and I am the owner of this blog. :) Today I'd like to share a story about my family's view on marriage.

          I am the only girl in my family as well as the eldest among my siblings. My mother always reminds me that my due date to get marry is on 2016 when I am 25 years old. She even said that 25 is already late to get married. She prefer to have me get married earlier than that. She often tell me stories about her friends who got married late. She said that it is a loss of years because when you are 40, you just got 2 children who are under 6 years old. I guess it has something to do with fertility and age. That is why most Asian women prefer to get married at an early age. My mother also mentioned about the mood. Women who are successful and still not married tend to think that they can live without men. Thus, the thought of marriage slowly disappears as they achieve more and more success.

          That was how my mother look at marriage. I always told her that I am going to get married when I'm rich. I know that if I were to stick to that, marriage seem to be impossible for me because there is no way I am going to be rich anytime soon. Honestly, I am ready for it mentally but not physically. I still don't have financial support because I still have another 1 semester to go and I still need to look for jobs with consistent income. I don't want to burden my husband-to-be because I have my own needs and I don't want to completely depend on him to get everything that I need. I think he can die because of that. Haha. However, according to Islam, a wife is to depend completely on her husband and be loyal to him. I agree but perhaps due to the new era nowadays where women work, I don't think it is a problem if the wife wants to work in order to help the husband with the family's financial.  
          Alhamdulillah. I have a stable boyfriend at the moment. It has been a year and a half since we decided to be an item. Actually, in Islam they don't allow this kind of relationship. Being a couple without any knot. But, I can't help myself from falling in love with someone. It has something to do with the hormone. I don't know how but I have thoughts of settling down with him when we first know each other. I just knew that he is the one for me. I love him and I want to live the rest of my life with him till Jannah. I hope that Allah S.W.T will make things easier for us to be husband and wife soon. Insyallah.

          I am glad that both my parents have presented green light for our relationship. And now my mother kept on asking when my boyfriend's family would come for 'merisik'. :)

Alhamdulillah. May Allah bless our relationship.

I love you baby.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Another 3days before Pre-Practicum

Hello everyone!
I've been away for quite a long time. It seems that the blog is quite dusty like an abandoned blog.
Last year or perhaps 2 years ago was the last time I posted an entry.
My life has changed since I stopped joining Prisma Seni actively.
Having a boyfriend actually strengthen the decision.
I've already completed my 6th semester in UiTM.
Now I'm waiting for practicum which will start in mid-July.
I still do not know which school I'd be sent to. Who would be my supervior? And etc.
I hope that I'll be able to do well for my practicum because it will be the benchmark for my future.
Whether I am qualified to be an English teacher or not. That's the question.
Other than practicum, I am also excited about my AE. AE is an abbreviation of Academic Exercise.
It is our version of thesis. I have a year to work on my thesis. If I can complete my AE by the due date, I wouldn't be able to graduate. That's harsh. As much as I want to be a student forever, I don't want to extend the semester because of unfinished AE.
I just hope that I am going to do well. Good luck Delin! Give your best, alright! :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

My Accidental 'masterpieces'

Hello everyone. Today I would like to share my paints or shall I say as drawings which I just knew the potentials I have last Sunday. These paints are originally mine and they came out naturally without any force from my brain. I had the first three drawings when I was in INTEC library UiTM for a program. I got bored and I simply open Paint and I paint.. ! Enjoy looking at these masterpieces of mine..^^

The First Three drawings.

The third one came out to be my favourite at this stage and I drew more when I got home in Baiduri. It has become my guilty-pleasure. 

My Second Attempt

I was surprised myself with the sixth drawing. My housemates aka my best friends challenged me to draw our pictures. The five of us.

This is how it turns to be. Not bad I must say. I grew more excited but I stopped for the day knowing my limit as a student.

The Second Day (Third Attempt)

An unfortunate event folding the life of a mother with her two children. Losing his wealthy husband who leaves behind unlimited wealth doesn't appeal to her like how she really needs her husband by her side. The children misses their 'father's laughter, love and care. A big mansion and hectres of land do not comply to the three of them. The man of the house owns his grave on his own land under the tree of his age. The family visits every day of the year. The grief takes hundreds of years to heal as he means a lot to the family. 

A Javanese Princess. with the theme 'Letting Go'. The princess has let the bird she found, hurt and cared for it for a very long time till the bird has finally fully cured. She realised that it was time to let go of it. She learnt not to be selfish. Though the pain took a long period of time to heal, she accept it even if it is the hard way.

What if the predator is smaller than the pray?
What if the world is upside down?
Would we be able to cope immediately?
It is going to be confusing after all.

Well, that's 10 already. I believe there will be more to come. Till then. Now, I need to take my bath and study for tomorrow's Principle of Assessment and Evaluation test. Thank you for visiting my blog. :)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sisters For Life, M-1-1-4

Sisters for LIFE M-1-1-4

               It has been a really long time since I last updated this blog. I think it was in the early of 2011 and after that, due to circumstances, I couldn't update. Anyhow, here, I am back with more more interesting experience about the Malaysian culture. For everyone. The animated picture above was produced by me using PAINT. The program 1 Citizen generated my boredom into something very productive such as this. I did not know I have the potential till this morning.

                 The picture shows 5 characters, Lydia, Diana, Gloria, Ethel and Adelin. They live in the same house through out their degree program in Shah Alam. Coming from different background and ethnicity, they adapt themselves with each other with the sake of their friendship. Lydia is an Orang ulu, Diana, an Iban girl, Gloria, a Bidayuh, Ethel, a sino-kadazan and Adelin a Malay-Javanese. It is very interesting because they get to learn each others' language and learn each other's culture. 

                  Religion is also not an excuse for them to live happily together. Being the only Muslim, Adelin had no problem practising her solat and other task demanded by Islam. Their give and take spirit makes it smooth with minimal problems. Adelin, being the only peninsular girl is able to understand and speak 'Melayu Sarawak' and that makes people around mistaken her as a Bornean as well. She is used to be having a Sabahan asking where is her hometown in Sabah. Her Bornean facial features actually contribute to this factor. As a matter of fact, she enjoyed the misunderstandings very much.


Monday, July 4, 2011

The memories I had along my way as a dancer.

  • the flowers bloomed during my presence in Istanbul. It was such a beautiful sight walking around the garden in front of the Blue Mosque.

  • I made friends with the Yahya Kaptan Lisesi students who were my foster sister's schoolmates. We went trekking at 'kar tepe' which means 'snow hill'. It was a snow hill after all where I got to touch real snow for the first time there. I miss these guys so much.

  • They are Buket, Duygu and Ezgi. Ezgi is my foster sister. They are all a year younger than I am but I look younger than them because of my size. They treat me like a sister regardless I am new to them. They are very protective towards me. I miss them very much.

  • Here we are. Ezgi, Esra and I. Esra is Ezgi's best friend. We took this picture when we were spending time at Ezgi's parents' summer house in Masukiye. I really really love it there. I still remember the breeze, the view. Oh my. It was wonderful. I really really wish to be there again.

  • I got really excited when it comes to the snow. It was my first time, by the way. I'll be back during the winter someday.

  • Here is the Malaysian delegates with the mayor of Bekirpasa Municipal. We had a great time there because of their first class hospitality.

  • My first experience representing Malaysia in Children's Folklore Festival Kocaeli, Turkiye. I had the best ever memories in Turkiye. With my foster family, the friendly Turkish, and the places. Everything and everyone were AWESOME. I cried so hard when I had to go back to Malaysia. I was 17 at that moment. I was supposed to sit for a public examination at the end of the year. Regardless of that, I continued dancing and only stopped a month before the exam. I managed to pass with flying colours and proved myself to the teachers and especially my parents who had been scolding me for not stopping dancing. I did it.

  • Turkiye was the starting point of my life as a dancer in the international level. I found out that I enjoy communicating with people of different languages and cultures with which was why I chose TESL at the first place as my carrier. Dancing would always be my ticket socializing, communicating and exploring new culture. Somehow, I believe sharing cultures between the global community would be the best way to unite everyone in harmony. Peace. (^_^)

Kampung Morten - the heart of Malacca II

the view from the top - u may think it's a real house.

isn't it amazing.

you can even find this kind of view in some epic Malaysian film

the man in red is the best tourist guide ever while the man on the right is the gifted carpenter who made all those replicas.

explaining on the masterpiece.

a friend of mine, Nurhidayah Rosli taking a close look at the replica. She is an architecture student in UiTM, Shah Alam.

this is the work place of the carpenter

one of the replicas still in the making process

this is the Limas house- you can see the details

a view from the side upper part of the house