Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The versatility of Limau Kasturi..

          I have a new obsession these few days. Eating 'limau kasturi' with salt. My aunt is worried about my new obsession because I am acting like a pregnant lady. In my culture, usually pregnant ladies have weird craving especially for sour food. Limau kasturi is totally sour and basically, it is used for cooking NOT snacking. Hahaha. Still, I found pleasure in eating it.

          I found out other ways how to snack on the limau kasturi too. Mak Cu said when she was much younger, she usually ate 'limau kasturi with asam boi'. I tried and I love it. The saltiness of the asam boi blends well with the 'sourness of the limau kasturi'. Yumms!

          I guess I develop this weird wantings because I don't know what to do during the leisure hour. I think I get a sudden crave for pineapple. Aaaa. Pineapple with a pinch of salt over it is awesome because it has its own sweetness and a bit of sourness along the saltiness of the salt. I guess it is my day today because there is a night market here in my neighbourhood. Well, they sell fruits and of course, pineapple. :)

          This craving is caused by the hot weather in Malaysia. After the cold wind from China passed through Malaysia, there is no more cool wind during the day especially in cities.

I love food. :)  

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