Monday, July 20, 2009

Uni's life is never as easy as you thought it would be...

I thought it's going to be easy.. University. A new transition in my life.
Though im not 18 yet. Im almost there.. I know that..
Life here is independent.. No more 'ibu' to buy for me 'mee hoon' soup during the night when I suddenly get hungry..
No more 'ayah' to scold me for not cleaning up my place and being so lazy..
No more KBSW and my beloved dearly television..
It is free here.. I know the whole lot of us are eager to get this FREEDOM since ever..
But, I feel empty..
The emptiness which I never expected before..
I miss my family..
Although, I always try to get rid of my 3 annoying brothers, all of a sudden, i miss them.
Well, evidently, my house is just in Klang..(what a shame to get homesick)
I can just go back whenever I want to..
Just dial my 'Kak Tin's 'phone number, and she'll pick me up wherever I am..
BUT, I still have this unbearable ego you know..
I want to show my parents that I can survive without them...
I'm so stupid for acting like this.
I know that.
But..( so many butsss)..
I need to do this..
I need to learn to LIVE..
It is hard. Tons of obstacles awaits..
An the most difficult part is when..
When there are several routes in front of me, I need to choose which is the best for me in my life..
That is complicated. I still can't decide on my own.
To be honest, I still need my parents opinion to be consider in my decision making..
Thus, I need my matter in what condition i am..

p/s: I've never tell my parents this before..
I love both of you, IBU and AYAH...


  1. Haha~
    baru kita rasakan bila our parents dah tak sama dgn kita lg..?
    Berdikari ni kadang best tp mostly tak best.
    Parents mmg penting.

  2. Nasz,remember the day we 'dated' in jj..
    we always tell each other that we can't wait to be independent..
    The excitement we had was totally 'extreme' i can say..haha..
    but, the reality is, we are still NOT ready..
    THEY are still playing a big role in our life, right..ForEVER...

  3. same 4 me:')
    evendo my home's juz ryte HERE..
    tpi being home is the best anyway..
    though i have to admit,
    sometimes I like the freedom:)
    dun 4get to drop by at my blog okie ;)
