Monday, July 20, 2009

Grammar Class cancellation....

As I was striving with all my heart to get the internet connection last night, something really really fantastic have happened to me..
Haha..(with the expression of an evil laugh)..
I got a message that Grammar class is cancelleled for today..
Can you imagine how happy I was??
Like the idiom, 'as happy as a lark'..
Do not mistaken why am I happy about it, owkay...
I love Miss Afni's class..
although, she is quite an aggressive and scary sometimes, I learned a lot from her class and I am able to relate what she is teaching with my life..
For an example, I'm starting to use the right grammar in my blog, my facebook and any of my writing as well..
I am thankful to her..
The reason I am happy is, I will get sufficient goodnight sleep and I don't have to wake up early..
I am soO happy about it..
Sleep. sleep, sleep...
Abang Zac(the caucasian), abang Didie, kak Iera and Kak Ainatul often told us that getting insufficient sleep is normal... There were also time when they don't sleep at all...
(They are our seniors taking B.Ed tesl currently)...
OMG! How can I deal with this thing??
No way, no sleep!
I need to sleep..
Sleep is very vital to rejunavate our mind and body for a glorious next day..
I remembered that once I didn't sleep at night and the next day, I got a migraine and fever..
I am too weak without sleep....
However, maybe someday, I'll just get use to it.
We never know..

p/s: have a replacement malaysian studies class tonight from 8.30-10.30pm..
Mr. Faiez, it's not appropriate for a 'gadis' to go out at night, you know...
Need to study for, Computer Lit, malaysian Studies and College Study Skills...
Test,test, test.....

Internet connection in MAWAR

I hate it when people are getting more and more in Mawar.
(Well, this is the negative side of my thinking)..
One of the reasons is, the internet connection...
Aiyooo..... It's killing me..
It really challenges my patience..
I know that patience is the virtue..
But, I can't stand it anymore..
I need to submit my College Study skills journal 6..
And it is being procrastinated because....
I bet, you guys can definitely make a right guess..
YES!! The internet connection is dreadfully unbearable for a fairly patient university student(this is referring to me, most definitely)..
I have only another 15minutes before the due time.
OH ALLAH!! Is this one of the obstacles you are testing on me..
Owkay, I know accept it with my most gracious heart.
God Willing, everything will be fine.
p/s:just hope that I won't kill myself...aiyomaa..
Oh ya..If you notice, i'm using all the adverbs I can put in before the adjective.
Trying to practise the rosy blossom English Language, i supposed...hahha
Isn't that right ELIZA..

Uni's life is never as easy as you thought it would be...

I thought it's going to be easy.. University. A new transition in my life.
Though im not 18 yet. Im almost there.. I know that..
Life here is independent.. No more 'ibu' to buy for me 'mee hoon' soup during the night when I suddenly get hungry..
No more 'ayah' to scold me for not cleaning up my place and being so lazy..
No more KBSW and my beloved dearly television..
It is free here.. I know the whole lot of us are eager to get this FREEDOM since ever..
But, I feel empty..
The emptiness which I never expected before..
I miss my family..
Although, I always try to get rid of my 3 annoying brothers, all of a sudden, i miss them.
Well, evidently, my house is just in Klang..(what a shame to get homesick)
I can just go back whenever I want to..
Just dial my 'Kak Tin's 'phone number, and she'll pick me up wherever I am..
BUT, I still have this unbearable ego you know..
I want to show my parents that I can survive without them...
I'm so stupid for acting like this.
I know that.
But..( so many butsss)..
I need to do this..
I need to learn to LIVE..
It is hard. Tons of obstacles awaits..
An the most difficult part is when..
When there are several routes in front of me, I need to choose which is the best for me in my life..
That is complicated. I still can't decide on my own.
To be honest, I still need my parents opinion to be consider in my decision making..
Thus, I need my matter in what condition i am..

p/s: I've never tell my parents this before..
I love both of you, IBU and AYAH...