Sunday, January 31, 2010

MONDAY, February 1st 2010

It's the first day of February and it is the first day I woke up as early as 5am.
I got a little motivated today. Perhaps because i had had a long sleep on Saturday at home in a few parts of my house.
Why a few parts? Because I move around unconsciously when I sleep..
  • in the car
  • in the living room
  • at the front porch
  • at he dining table

I was sleeping as if no one was in the house. But, it's quite true.I can't deny that.

The only human being except me in the house was my brother.(5 cats of mine aren't included) He is 13. Ouh, how fast he has grown. I used to remember him as a rebellious standard 5 boy who always play with his bicycle with a bunch of friends.I quarrelled with him almost everytime I see him.He is such a hot-blooded person.

My parents went to Kuala Selangor to visit a sick aunt. She has breast cancer. her condition was quite bad before she went for therapy in HKL. But, from what mom told me, she is getting much better. She is a very strong person. When she was in HKL, most of our family members thought that she'll be leaving us in no time but, it seems that Allah wants to give her another chance. Praise to Allah....

Just now I had Literature, Writing, Drama replacement and Basic Principle of Education classes. I had no fun at all in those classes. I felt as if I want to run to the bus stop, take a 529 and go back to my room. I want to sleep. I have no idea why sometimes I feel that sleep is much much more important than these things. Urhhh...My mind is all about fatigue and food. Im running out of money. The allowance I got from the government almost finishes.


I need to find my own income:-But how?? Because im still a student. Parents? Hurmm..Im not a child who likes to ask money from parents. I pity them. and I pity myself too. Nevermind. Let it be.(the beatles: i've always like this song). Ouh, I forgot. I still have my allowance from the shows.Hurmm, but still it is insufficient.. Thinking about money really makes me 'pening lalat'. So, i'd better put this to a halt for a while. I'll continue later...

LITerature class......

Today had a discussion about A Doll's House...I think. i mean, I personally think that the discussion was so boring and I was bored to almost death. There was a moment where I thought of puking. Im sorry Miss, but this is the truth to be told from the bottom of my heart. I didn't participate much because I haven't finish reading it(it's my own fault to find it not interesting). Somehow, I managed to finish reading ACT 3 before class started...Now, let me recall about what the play is about...

  • I remembered that the characters are Nora, Torvald, Linde, Krogstad and Helene.( i think these are the major characters)
  • In act 1, it is Christmas Eve and Nora has spent lots of money to buy gifts, clothes and food for the whole house except for herself.(she is a typical housewife and mother of the century). Torvald is at home and he hears of Nora's arrival(she sinngs happily, obviously). Torvald is not very happy with the fact that his wife is a spendthrift. He has a high position in a bank to be cliche. But, he loves her that he calls her with names like 'my song-bird', lark, squirrel(ohho, what a name to call a wife) and others(i don't remember).
  • This is a little bit of the play in act 1..I skipped act 2 and straight away read act 3..

This is what i remember in Act 3...

  • In act 3, Krogstad comes to the Helmer's house and meets Linde. It has something to do with the letter. Actually, Torvald wants to replace Krogstad's position with Linde. (By the way, in that era, it is incommon for woman to work. In the society,woman is only responsible to stay at home and take of her house, children and husband.) So, Krogstad who is the bad guy in the play wants to blackmail Nora to get his position back..arh, there's to many to explain here because the plot is quite complicated..
  • How about I explain it later..maybe tomorrow....

This is going to be just a review of what I had today..

  • literature class-discuss on A Doll's House=boring
  • writing class-a mind map on Beyonce's arguement(my group supports),oh yeah also on assignment 3(very rare to have assgnment 3). Our lecturer seems to have affection towards the guys rather than the girls because she got too attached to them.. week, we don't have class on monday. Instead, we have to work out on our assignment 3. Haven in a hell.=still alive
  • Drama replacement class-watch on "the importance of being earnest" the movie.(algernon is so handsome;such a gentleman he is) I didn't get to be fully focused on it because I need to print out my reading journal. The timing is just not right...=a little regret(missed up a few parts)
  • B.PiE-feels like running away because not prepared with presentation. Mr.Zieaf is funny as usual. Never get bored in his class only when he starts his 'story telling'..Well, at least I get to relax for a while..class ened early at 3.30pm..=ok lah

Now, i need to haste myself bacause it's already 1703.. I've Mawar meeting and dance practice tonight. assignments await and here, i am to answer the long wait..........kurukurukuru...harakiri!!!

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