Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The 2C's Masterpiece..

This is a very crazy masterpiece and each and every one of us contributes to it(except the absentees of course)..

You really need to read it.It may sound stupid but it is funny..(seriously)..

There was a young ignorant yet selfish _______ by the name of Sudin. sudin is a man hybrid of shellfish and squid, squidfish. Everyday he will go to the toilet to shave his tentacles. But, they keep growing more at evry shave. However, he never gives up to shave it because his hobby is shaving. One day, he google in the internet to search for new techniques of shaving. Suddenly, he shouts!"Hi, my name is Anas. Im always hungry."=D. and hi. I am Mimie and I want to help you with your tentacles problem :). Then, Hajar decided to marry Anas and Ijah said I hate myself. After years of being together(Anas and Hajar), hajar couldn't stand on Anas's tentacles. S, she left and Anas married Ijah. After Hajar left, Anas couldn't accept the absence of Hajar because he loves her as much as he loves shaving his tentacles. So, Ijah slapped Anas on the face because she didn't want to be apart from his tentacles(what da..)..Ijah loves Anas's tentacles and love to watch him while shaving. Ijah and the smartly shaved Anas sit confusely at Mr.Yudi who is teaching about 'phrases and clauses'. But, hey,hey! Where the 'hell' is Sudin? Suddenly, anas transformed into Sudin and he looked like Davy jones the squid in Pirates of the Carribean 2.MuAHAHAHHAHAHAa!! At the same time, spongebob came and said "hi, Anadin! I have something for you! Guess what???! A TENTACLE'S REMOVER! WOOT!WOOT!". Finally, Anadin lived happily forever after.....The End.

Well, do you guys think that this 'masterpiece' makes sense. maybe yes, maybe no. Somehow, it made me laugh and it made my day too. 2C class is indeed a crazy class but we have lots of talents and creative people too.
However, there is still need to control these creativitiness to a certain level. Why? because overly creative is not a good thing too, you know. this is based on my experience. What about you...:D

Monday, February 1, 2010

Learning is never easy for me..: Why me??!!

Learning is never easy for me..: Why me??!!

Why me??!!

Everything has to be me! I have lots of disatisfaction in this second sem.
I feel that everything and everyone is being hypocrite. The terms of 'sincerity', 'honesty' and 'earnesty' do not exist at all. It seems to me that everybody is trying to look for shortcuts in everything they do! Im pissed off!! Totally pissed off!

Now, I'd just be as rndom as I can. Not to pin-point on anyone.
What is a teacher/'lecturer's job?
They are here to:-
  • to teach
  • to correct the student's mistakes
  • to give guidance for the students
  • to give marks to student fair and square
  • to make the students understand to the fullest of a topic
  • to develop interest in the student to study
  • to guide the student to work efficiently under pressure.

These are the basic things of being a teacher/lecturer.However, some people are just not fit to hold one of these 'holy' job. If the teacher himself is wrong and wouldn't even accept his mistake and correct it. Instead, teach the wrong things to students, what will happen to this world? This world will be filled up with arrogant which is unpleasantly proud people who think that they are right most of the time. I can bare facing this kind of people all of the time. It makes me sick. People's mind will be contaminated with negative values and auras. This is very unpleasant to others.

These are my observations of people around me which I find very unpleasant:-

  • disrespect others-talking and giggling while one person is speaking to the rest of the team
  • eating chewing gum while presenting- is it the right manner when yuou are presenting? you think it is cool?? oh, Please...!
  • laughing and talking as if there is no one else around you.You think you are the only person living on this Earth?

To be continued....I have grammar class in 3 minutes..........